Dentistry Roslindale

Perfect Dental - Roslindale

Dentistry Roslindale
The First Step To A Better Smile - Call Today!

644 American Legion Hwy
Roslindale, MA   02131 
(617) 553-8100


Thank you for coming to our Perfect Dental office in Roslindale. Perfect Dental provides professional, personalized dentistry for you and your family. Maintain your dental health with routine dental check-ups and treatment plans. Improve the health of your teeth and gums.Experience comprehensive dental services in a comfortable environment. Healthy, attractive teeth give you something to smile about. Your dentist provides you a personal dental health and smile assessment. Achieve your dental health and appearance goals. Allow your dentist to assist you with the treatment plan that fits you personally and financially. Contact your Boston area dentist about your dental health goals. Schedule you and your family’s next dental examination and teeth cleaning.


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Products And Services

  • Check Ups

    Your Essential Dental Appointment for Healthy Teeth and Gums Dental check-ups are a vital preventive dentistry routine. Consistent examinations provide early detection of cavities, infection, gum disease, and jawbone issues. Thorough procedures that reduce your dental health risk You are encouraged to have a dental check-up two times per year. Each appointment provides your dentist the opportunity to check for unforeseen problems, signs of tooth decay, or other emerging oral health issues. A visual examination checks your teeth, gum tissue, and bone health. This can help eliminate the need for future and potentially costly dental treatment. Digital x-rays provide a clear, accurate image of your teeth, gums, and jawbone. The technology enables your dentist to pinpoint any threats to your oral health. Your dental check-up can also be combined with a professional teeth cleaning procedure with one of our dental hygienists. This preventive dental appointment is the perfect companion to your twice yearly check-up with your Boston area dentist.

    Link: Check Ups

  • Dental Cleanings

    The Simple Routine That Keeps Your Teeth and Gums Healthy Your teeth are under attack within minutes of eating. Routine dental cleanings help remove the harmful bacteria from the surfaces of your teeth and gums. Keep your teeth and gums healthy Dental cleanings two times per year (every six months) can help prevent cavities and costly dental treatment. Support your daily brushing and flossing with this essential in-office procedure. Your dental cleaning supports your routine, at-home dental care. The in-office procedures effectively treat the hard-to-reach areas of your mouth, teeth, and gums. Routine, professional dental cleanings help prevent periodontal (gum) disease. Teeth cleanings remove the harmful oral plaque and tartar that harbor decay causing bacteria. A simple procedure Scaling removes the tartar build-up from the surfaces of your teeth. Your hygienist will manually scale your teeth by gently scraping the tartar deposits away or use an ultrasonic scaler that removes larger deposits with gentle vibrations and a stream of water. Polishing uses a safe, abrasive paste to remove stains from your tooth surfaces. Smoothing your tooth surfaces helps prevent plaque and tartar build-up on your teeth. Fluoride is recommended to strengthen your tooth enamel against tooth decay. The treatment is applied at the completion of your teeth cleaning and is available as a gel, foam, rinse, or a topical varnish that’s brushed on.

    Link: Dental Cleanings

  • Crowns

    A Natural-Looking Tooth Restoration Restore your damaged or unattractive teeth with a dental crown. Perfect Dental®️uses natural-looking materials to restore your tooth function and improve your appearance. Restore your tooth to its original shape and size A dental crown is a permanent cap that treats your tooth damage. The treatment strengthens and restores the function of your remaining tooth structure. Your dental crown fits on top of your damaged, decayed, or worn teeth. The crown also restores your treated tooth to its original, natural color. Protection for your teeth Dental crowns protect your teeth when dental fillings are inadequate to restore the damage caused by decay, cracking, or other dental trauma. Natural-looking results Your crown can be crafted from a variety of materials including porcelain to match your natural tooth color. The treatment will blend seamlessly with your tooth to enhance your appearance. You might prefer a crown crafted from full-metal or porcelain fused-to-metal. Metal crowns or those containing safe metals are known to be durable and long-lasting.

    Link: Crowns

  • Dentures

    A Tooth Replacement Solution with On-Site Convenience Dentures reduce your risk of gum and bone disease and help you look younger too. Full or partial dentures are a treatment option if you have multiple missing teeth. Quick, affordable tooth replacement Dentures can restore the function and appearance of your teeth following tooth loss. Improve your oral health and quality of life with full or partial dentures. Partial dentures (or bridges) attach to your available and existing teeth. The procedure can be removable or fixed and will fill the gaps where your teeth are missing. Full or complete dentures replace your entire upper or lower section (arch) of teeth. Your dentures fit on top of your existing bone and gum tissue and are secured by topical pressure or dental adhesive.

    Link: Dentures

  • Fillings

    Repair and Restore Your Decayed Tooth Dental fillings are a common treatment. Treat your dental cavities caused by decay and prevent further oral health problems. Immediate treatment for dental cavities A dental filling prevents your cavity from worsening. Proper follow-up care for your teeth and gums can also reduce your risk of other dental problems. Dental fillings are recommended if your teeth are chipped, cracked, damaged, or decayed. Match your tooth color Composite dental fillings are the most common. The materials used will match your natural tooth color. Other materials for dental fillings include gold and silver. Metal fillings are often less costly but are more noticeable in your mouth.

    Link: Fillings

  • Invisalign

    Straighten Your Teeth Without Wires or Brackets Invisalign®️ is a custom-designed orthodontic treatment. The clear aligners move your teeth into proper alignment over time without the use of wires or brackets common with traditional braces. Virtually invisible orthodontic treatment Invisalign®️ restores your teeth to their proper position. The procedure gradually corrects your tooth alignment within approximately one year of beginning treatment. Aligners are made of thermoplastic material to provide a comfortable treatment process Aligners are removable for eating, brushing, and flossing Aligners are custom-designed according to your treatment plan and each set is changed every two weeks Your treatment time will last approximately nine to 15 months. During that time you’ll visit your dentist once every four to six weeks for a check-up and wear approximately 18 to 30 different aligners.

    Link: Invisalign

  • Root Canals

    Save Your Tooth and Avoid an Extraction A root canal can save your infected tooth. Treat your infection as soon as possible to avoid tooth loss and other threats to your overall health. Treatment without fear We understand the fear that’s common with a root canal procedure. Our technology and sedation options help you experience a comfortable treatment. A tooth saving procedure A root canal prevents your tooth infection from worsening and damaging your surrounding bone and gum tissue. The infected core (pulp) is removed and reshaped to strengthen the remaining tooth structure.

    Link: Root Canals

  • Scaling Root Planning

    Treat and Reverse the Effects of Gum Disease Periodontal (gum)disease is a leading cause of adult tooth loss. Inflamed gum tissue is an early sign that your teeth, tissue, and supportive bone could be at risk. The bacteria within dental plaque feed on the acid in the foods you eat. If untreated, this process can cause the development of gum disease. Your six month dental check-up and professional teeth cleaning are essential for your oral health. There’s a supportive treatment that you will require if gum disease is present. How your scaling and root planing procedure works to treat your gum disease. For scaling, we use dental hand instruments, an ultra-sonic device, or both. Your procedure begins with an examination and is followed by use of the ultra-sonic device. The careful sonic “vibrations” removes the plaque bacteria and tartar build-up from your tooth surfaces and beneath your gum line. Root planing focuses on your tooth’s root surfaces. The procedure reduces the inflammation in your gum tissue and eliminates plaque and bacteria build-up.

    Link: Scaling Root Planning

  • Teeth Whitening

    Brighten Your Smile with a Simple Treatment Teeth whitening can transform the appearance of your smile. Most professional whitening procedures can change the brightness of your teeth up to 10 shades in one office visit. Eliminate tooth stains and discoloration The foods and beverages you enjoy can yellow your teeth. Certain medications can also affect the brightness of your teeth. Teeth whitening removes the discoloration from your teeth. You can also follow-up with proper maintenance to preserve the renewed appearance of your teeth with a convenient, take-home whitening kit. The active ingredient in teeth whitening is typically hydrogen peroxide. The safe chemical penetrate the pores of your tooth enamel to bleach the dentin portion (beneath the enamel) of your tooth. Curing lights are used during your in-office procedure. This helps speed up the bleaching process and produce a visibly whiter smile following your appointment of approximately 45 minutes.

    Link: Teeth Whitening

  • Bridge

    Fill Your Tooth Gaps and Restore Your Ability to Chew Missing teeth can interfere with your tooth function. A dental bridge can restore you ability to bite and chew. Restore your smile A dental bridge restores your damaged or missing teeth. The treatment improves your appearance with a natural-looking tooth replacement that fills the gaps caused by missing or damaged teeth. Your dental bridge can also prevent your surrounding teeth from shifting and affecting your bite. A convenient, cost-effective dental restoration Dental bridges use your healthy, adjacent teeth for support. This helps assure that your bridge fits properly and blends with your existing teeth. You have a choice when selecting your dental bridge. Choose from a fixed or removable option. A fixed bridge uses abutment teeth with permanent crowns on each side of your tooth gap. The treatment is stable, functions like your natural teeth, and is easy to maintain. A removable bridge (or partial) fastens to your surrounding teeth with clasps. The treatment costs less than a fixed bridge and can be removed for future dental restorations if necessary.

    Link: Bridge

  • Orthodontist

    Improve Your Health and Appearance Orthodontic treatment corrects your misaligned or crooked teeth. Restore your teeth to proper alignment and improve your lifestyle. Modern procedures for proper tooth alignment Perfect Dental®️provides orthodontic solutions that restore your oral health and quality of life. Treatment options can save you time, costs, and the discomfort often associated with orthodontic dentistry. Orthodontics corrects your tooth misalignment and improves your bite and overall tooth function. Your treatment can include braces or clear aligners designed to move your teeth into their proper and healthy position. Orthodontic treatment is effective for children after their permanent teeth have emerged (typically around age 12 to 13). You can benefit from orthodontic treatment as a teen and an adult to properly align your teeth and bone structure. You have options for orthodontic treatment. Your treatment plan follows a thorough evaluation of your teeth, jaws, and facial structure using a visual examination and x-rays.

    Link: Orthodontist

  • Dental Implants

    A Secure, Long-Lasting Tooth Replacement Solution Dental implant treatment restores your missing tooth with a natural-looking alternative to dental bridges and dentures. A solid tooth replacement Your dental implant is crafted from titanium and forms a new, strong tooth root. The implant anchors to your bone and supports a visible, dental crown on the surface. Implants can be used to replace a single tooth, to create an implant bridge using two or more implants, and for implant supported dentures that are anchored by a series of dental implants. Dental implants are a beneficial treatment for you if you have healthy teeth and gums. Your bone tissue must also be healthy enough to support an implant or bone grafting might be necessary to strengthen your tissue.

    Link: Dental Implants


(617)553-8100 (617)-553-8100 +16175538100

Map 644 American Legion Hwy

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